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Kristine Bockerman

Winter Reflection

I was on my morning walk today and I noticed all the leafless trees with exposed, broken limbs due to the torrential storm we had in June in our city. I asked the Lord to show me what that meant and He suggested I take a closer look at the barren trees. Suddenly I noticed all the abandoned nests in the ugly brown trees. I heard the Lord say that winter was a time for rest and reflection and to prepare for new birth. He reminded me of the most important birth which is Christ our Lord. From Christ’s birth we have new hope as new creatures when we have received Christ as our Savior.

This season is a season of hope. Jesus came while we were still sinners, He came in human flesh as an innocent baby, died on the cross for our sins, and ascended to Heaven to place His blood on the mercy seat. When we receive the Father’s mercy and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior – not just a prayer – but we have a penitent, changed heart, we will want to live a God pleasing life. 

Because of our faith, we are seated with Him in heavenly places and the Father sees us, though we are not perfect, through His Son, Christ Jesus. We will still go through the winter and summer storms of our lives, but because of Hismercy He has given us a second chance to live for and through Him. We don’t live by our own power and our own might, but by the power and might of the Holy Spirit. 

I look forward to forgetting about the barrenness and ugliness of the storms and the winter season and welcoming the fertile springtime when the green leaves abound, and the birds return to their freshly prepared nests for their awaited new birth. God is in these seasons.

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